Do work you love while making more in one MONTH than most people do in a YEAR.

When you work smarter not harder you create a business where you aren't tied to your computer and actually have the freedom you pictured when you started your business.





You aspire to create more than just another course

You’re here to create a life-changing programs and services that deliver transformative results.

Around here we are about more than launching just to make money. We love making money but our legacy and integrity are at the forefront of everything we create. 

If you're looking for a get rich quick fix, this isn't it. This is about business that leaves a lasting impact AND makes you lots of money.

If you...

  • Are doing all.the.things but still not seeing results.
  • Want to help others and create impact (while making money) but don't want to do it alone.
  • Struggle to balance precious family time without sacrificing the growth of your business.
  • Don’t want to blend into the crowd with "just another course / business".
  • Want to make more but are already stretched for time...

I get it! 


There are so many voices online telling you how to scale your business. 

But until you find the one that creates space for you to do the work strategically and personally you’ll continue to limit your potential and will never be FULLY aligned to your dreams and desires.


I’m Sarah

I built a multiple 6-figure business while raising 2 babies, so I understand the importance of creating a business that fits into your life

I started my business while I was on maternity leave in 2019 and quickly hit 6-figures thanks to my first online course. So I quit my job and followed my heart.

It’s my mission to support you in embodying your expertise and authority to create a business that gives you time and financial freedom.

We are building your business to give you more time for the things you love (for me that’s family trips, golf and the spa) while leaving your impact on the world

If you're committed to becoming your best self, creating something intentionally and making more money than you ever knew possible, you're in the right place. 

What Clients Are Saying...

 Your results don’t have to “make sense”.

It’s time for quantum leaps and mind-blowing results.

“This program changed me and my entire business and I couldn't recommend it more.”

With Sarah's help, I tripled my revenue, created more time and space in my calendar and got to focus on the work I love most. I feel like an entirely different person, in the best way."



“Sarah supported me throughout the process and kept me motivated.”

Sarah was the major reason I was able to create and launch my very first course on my own! She provided me with the necessary steps needed to put the course together. I absolutely recommend her to anyone who is looking to do the same!


I can't wait until YOU are sending me messages like these!

Inside The Scale Method

 This is what you'll achieve: 

CEO Mindset

It takes more than a good business strategy to build a wildly successful business. It all starts with your mindset.

Million Dollar Brand Strategy

We aren't just creating to make money this year, we are establishing the foundations to build a million dollar+ brand.

A Transformational Program You're Known For

Create a signature offer that delivers results (this is my superpower and I'll be here to support you). 

High Converting Content

You'll learn how to create authority online with content that attracts your soulmate clients and converts them into your offers.

Feel Good Launches

Learn the ins-and-outs of launching and create your own strategy specific to your offer, audience and energy.

A System to Make Money on Autopilot

Consistently bring in leads and sales with a easy to implement sales system that works.

Messages I get from my ladies all the time...